Common Mistakes with Medical Waste Removal
If you run a busy lab, a large-scale hospital, or other type of healthcare facility, then you know that federal and state regulations mandate how and when you dispose of and store medical waste. Failure to comply with said regulations can not only put the health of your community and staff at risk, it also means you’ll incur hefty fines. Are you aware of some of the more common mistakes that are made when it comes to medical waste disposal?
Don’t skimp on waste packaging.
Biohazardous waste must be stored properly in order for it to be transported for removal. As we discussed in last week’s blog, shippers must ensure compliance with the U.S. DOT Hazardous Material Regulations for ground transport. The DOT requires that medical waste shippers receive general awareness, security awareness, and function-specific training.
Do you store your medical waste properly? Contaminated sharps must be placed in containers that are puncture resistant, closeable, leak-proof, and labeled or color-coded. Specimens of blood or other biohazardous materials must be placed in a container that is labeled and color coded and closed prior to being stored, transported, or shipped.
A good rule to remember is the higher risk a type of infectious waste poses to the environment and to humans, the higher standard of container you need.
MedXWaste provides equipment for your facility to help you comply with medical waste storage regulations, including bins, red bags, and sharps containers.
Speaking of containers, don’t put waste in the wrong container.
Containers for medical waste are not created equal. Many states categorize waste into sub-categorizes, such as cultures and stocks, human blood, blood products, sharps, and animal waste. Keeping types of medical waste separate and using properly marked containers is not only mandated by law, it’s helps you choose how and when, not to mention whom removes the waste for you.
Medical waste removal requires properly trained professionals and cannot be left up to just anyone to handle.
Whoever signs the manifest for waste pickup must have had the proper OSHA/DOT training and knowledge behind the medical waste. If your average Joe signs for anything that involves medical waste, your facility will receive a citation for non-compliance.
MedXWaste offers an online OSHA Compliance Program, which can be completed from your desktop, mobile device or tablet, includes safety data sheets, a safety plan builder, safety training on all regulated medical waste topics, including bloodborne pathogens, HIPAA and more, and answers to common questions regarding federal regulations.
If you’re unsure about any regulations, medical waste packaging and removal, or just want to be sure that you’re in compliance, MedXWaste can offer assistance in all of your medical waste removal needs. Avoid the common mistakes make medical waste disposal a smooth, safe, and compliant experience.