North America Tops Medical Crushers Market
Recent headlines tell us that North America is dominating the medical crushers market, a statistic that is largely driven by the fact that technological advancement is not only significant for this area, but also because of an increase in pharmaceutical industry, which is leading to increase in the medical waste industry. Europe and Asia are a close second.
According to a news release from Persistence Market Research, the “high adoption rate for medical crushers with new technology are driving the global market for medical crushers.”
Medical crushers are a necessity in the medical waste field, as they prevent the reuse of the infectious biomedical waste.
Reducing medical waste poses special challenges. Processing must meet stringent regulatory standards for the safe handling of infectious and red bag waste, including precise size reduction to ensure proper sterilization. In addition, the waste is comprised of many different materials, ranging from needles and syringes to disposable rags. Medical crushers can handle a range of materials such as syringes, linens, plastic sheets, latex gloves, boxed medical waste, trays and more, reducing them down to size while maintaining high performance rates.
Beyond medical crushers, the disposal of medical waste requires special handling to ensure that safety and regulatory requirements are met. Preparing the waste for incineration must use regulated bins and bags so that the materials are contained safely and in accordance with state and federal requirements.
MedXWaste has been a reliable source of medical waste removal, supplying doctors, doctors groups and associations, dentists, schools, clinics, laboratories, tattoo parlors, funeral homes, and veterinary offices with medical waste removal services.
We deliver to our clients a significant value in measurable cost savings and superior customer service, from OSHA Compliance Program Reviews to providing equipment, including bins, bags, and sharps containers to our clients. 90 percent of the medical waste we handle is autoclaved and the rest is incinerated.
MedXWaste can handle all of your medical waste removal needs, whether you’re a tattoo artist or a director of a high-volume lab.
Call us today for a quote and let us help you maintain your medical waste removal compliance.