OSHA Compliance Medical Waste

OSHA Compliance Medical Waste

Ensuring OSHA compliance in a healthcare environment can be a daunting task, mostly because of the amount of activity and work environment settings that occur in these types of organizations. It is up to healthcare facilities to go far beyond patient and staff safety by also maintaining OSHA compliance, which is crucial to reducing not only costs, but risks to the facility itself.

According to an OSHA press release from 2010, OSHA has taken on a more aggressive approach to enforcing its rules and regulations.

“For many employers, investing in job safety only happens when they have adequate incentives to comply with OSHA requirements. Higher penalties and more aggressive, targeted enforcement will provide a greater deterrent…”

It is particularly important for those in the medical field that deal with regulated medical waste to obtain proper OSHA training and implement a training program for staff. Contracting with a professional medical waste removal company like MedXWaste can also offer other avenues of compliance assistance.

We provide an OSHA compliant program that delivers the training and tools you need to work more safely and maintain regulatory compliance.

Our online OSHA Compliance Program, which can be completed from your desktop, mobile device or tablet, includes safety data sheets, a safety plan builder, safety training on all regulated medical waste topics, including bloodborne pathogens, HIPAA and more, and answers to common questions regarding federal regulations.

Regulated medical waste removal is our core business; we have been helping facilities of all kinds, including tattoo parlors and assisted living facilities, reduce their medical waste costs. MedXWaste can work with your team to develop a wate removal program that meets your objectives, all while keeping you and your staff compliant.

Contact MedXWaste to kickstart your training certification complete with regulatory tools and information, which is applicable to your specific branch of healthcare.

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