June 2015

Biohazardous and Hazardous Wastes: What Is the Difference?

Biohazardous and Hazardous Wastes Here on the blog, we’ve covered many topics that fall under what constitutes medical waste, but speaking more broadly, there are forms of waste that are considered biohazardous. Biohazardous waste should not be confused with hazardous waste. The latter can be potentially harmful to both the health of humans and animals

Biohazardous and Hazardous Wastes: What Is the Difference? Read More »

How MedXWaste Can Help Prison Facilities medical waste disposal

When it comes to medical waste, the discussions tend to focus on healthcare facilities, like laboratories, private practice firms, medical groups, assisted living facilities, dental offices, and of course hospitals. In the medical waste removal field, we know that medical waste isn’t limited to these types of organizations, and as previously noted on the blog,

How MedXWaste Can Help Prison Facilities medical waste disposal Read More »

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