Medical Waste Veterinary Practices

Medical Waste Veterinary

May 3-9 was National Pet Week, a week dedicated to celebrate the furry friends that enrich our lives. Created by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the Auxiliary to the AVMA in 1981, National Pet Week not only highlights the many reasons to celebrate our pets, but to raise awareness of responsible pet ownership.

This is also a week to discuss how regulated medical waste, or RMW, is handled in veterinary practices across the country. While our vets are there to protect the health of the pets in their care, MedXWaste is there to help vets and staff protect the health of their offices.

Medical Waste Veterinary
MedXwaste Safe Box

Keeping up with all the rules, regulations, and changes can be daunting, but according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, there is a stringent set of rules in place to help keep vets compliant when it comes to the appropriate disposal of solid wastes generated by veterinary practices, such as animal carcass disposal, animal waste disposal, drug and chemical disposal, and, of course, RMW.

RWM for veterinary practices is generally limited to sharps waste, which includes all needles, syringes with attached needles, suture needles, and scalpels, and animal carcasses, including, body parts. Bedding and related wastes when animals infectious are also included on this list.

How your practice deals with RMW will greatly depend on your state, but state medical waste standards vary diversely.

MedXwaste offers highly trained and educated staff in the many requirements, processes, and safety measures for waste disposal as it pertains to veterinary practices. In addition to our expertise, our team is customer service oriented and keeps your practice goals in mind.

We offer competitive pricing and provide you with all of the equipment that you need. MedXwaste strives to be flexible with your schedule and work around your needs so that you can focus on keeping your staff and the pets you service happy and healthy.

Florida Health

Medical Waste Veterinary

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