October Deadline for ICD-10: What’s Different?


The medical coding system that was put in place 30 years ago is due for an update. ICD-9 is the set of codes used by healthcare practitioners and hospitals for diagnosis, and while many countries have moved to ICD-10 years ago, the U.S. is making its transition with the final date of compliance by October 1, 2015.

“ICD-10 codes will provide better support for patient care, and improve disease management, quality measurement and analytics,” said Marilyn Tavenner, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in a statement on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website. “For patients under the care of multiple providers, ICD-10 can help promote care coordination.”

The difference between ICD-9 and ICD-10 comes down to detail; with the new implementation, practitioners will be able to gather more information on patients, which means diseases and health outcomes will be tracked with greater efficiency.

The move towards ICD-10 is one that has been needed for quite some time. ICD-9 is outdated, with obsolete medical terms that do not align with current medical technology and practices.

Examples of change include reclassification of certain diseases to reflect current medical knowledge, updated definitions of modern practices, and categorizing injuries by anatomical site, not by the injury itself.

Healthcare facilities must be prepared to ensure a smooth transition to ICD-10. Compliance programs are available so that managers and staff can stay current on the newest classifications and regulations.

MedXWaste offers OSHA Compliance Programs to help with the changing landscape of the medical field, including medical waste removal and safety plan builders.

In addition to accessing millions of MSDS/SDSs and bringing staff up to current safety codes, our OSHA Compliance Program helps ease the transition to ICD-10, allowing facilities to reduce rejected claims and bring systems to the current standard.

As with major changes in any industry, the transition to ICD-10 will require focused effort and attention.

Let MedXWaste assist you with the transition today. Contact us for pricing and details.

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